Beautiful middle-aged woman with stylish hairdo

A Neck Lift for the New Year

Whether you have just lost a lot of weight or are just getting older, you may have noticed some extra skin around your neck. Or, perhaps you are trying to lose weight but can’t seem to get rid of the extra bit of neck fat, which can be very stubborn (after all, what exercise can you do to tone up your neck?). If you are tired of this extra fat and skin, a neck lift may be right for you.

What is a neck lift?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure to remove wrinkled, saggy folds of skin on the neck, sometimes known as “turkey wattles,” which can make a person look old. During the procedure, excess fat and skin are removed to tighten the area, and the neck muscles are lifted.

What can I expect from a neck lift?

A neck lift can be done as an outpatient procedure in a few hours. After a neck lift you may have some bruising that will last for a couple of weeks, and your neck skin and muscles will feel tight. Recovery may take as long as 14 days, and you should plan on missing at least a week of work.

Amara Medical Aesthetics offers neck lifts, but there are other procedures to choose from for a younger looking neck. Endoscopic surgery can help tighten neck muscles; the super-wet technique involves fluid injected into the focus area to make the fat easier to remove; and the ultrasound assisted liposuction technique uses sound waves to help break up fat tissue. Your doctor can help you decide which techniques or combination of techniques are right for you, based on the results you are hoping to achieve.

The neck might not be the first area you think of when you are considering plastic surgery, but you may be surprised what a difference having a younger-looking neck can make to your overall appearance. Any one of these procedures can give you a more contoured, youthful neck while also making your face look more toned and defined. Call Amara Medical Aesthetics in Bellevue, WA, at (425) 278-9233, today!