Neck Lift In Bellevue

Liposuction and other forms of rejuvenation are used to correct problem areas of the neck such as saggy skin, loose muscles, and excess fatty deposits. All of these problems can be stubborn, resistant to diet and exercise, making patients appear older than they really are.

Your doctor will discuss your desires for change, as well as which procedure will produce those results most effectively. Liposuction is one of the most common techniques used. Lasers, endoscopic surgery, and necklift can also be used alone or in combination with other rejuvenation procedures.

Several techniques of liposuction exist which will be discussed briefly. In general, small incisions will be made either under the chin or behind the ears through which a cannula (a thin tube) is inserted into the fatty area. The cannula breaks up the fat to sculpt the area. The fat is then sucked out through the cannula, leaving the area permanently free of fat cells.

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Super-Wet Technique

Saline and adrenaline are injected into the area making the fat easier to break up and remove. The fluid also minimizes bleeding, damage and swelling in the surrounding tissues, as well as pain.


Tumescent Technique

Similar to the super-wet technique but with larger amounts of fluid injected.


Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL)

A technique which uses sound waves to liquefy the fat after the injection of fluids. It has the same benefits as the super-wet and tumescent techniques, and is useful for fibrous areas of the body.

Instead of or in addition to liposuction, your surgeon may also advise one of the following procedures to maximize the revitalization of your neck:


Endoscopic Surgery

Neck muscles are tightened through a small incision placed under the chin. It is not used to correct sagging excess skin

Neck Lift

A neck lift is great for people with large amounts of excess skin. The skin is pulled back, the extra removed, and the skin is then sutured in inconspicuous places, creating a new tight youthful look.

Your surgeon will help you to decide which procedure is best for creating the results you wish to achieve.

Each of the above procedures differs in procedure and recovery time, but most are done on an outpatient basis.

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Generally, if you are undergoing a combination of procedures, the time of the operation and time to release may be longer. Though patients are usually discharged and active shortly after the procedure, you will have to wear an elastic bandage at night for about 2 weeks. Some swelling and localized pain may occur. Most patients feel it is a small price to pay for their enduring results which make them look younger on the outside and feel better on the inside!


What Conditions Does A Neck Lift Treat?

By removing excess fatty tissue and tightening the muscle and skin, the neck lift procedure can accomplish remarkable results that include improvements in the following:

  • Jowls and a softening jawline
  • Double chin
  • Vertical neck bands
  • Sagging neck skin, “turkey wattle”
  • Excess fat from the chin to the upper neck


What Are The Benefits Of A Neck Lift?

The neck lift procedure is beneficial in several ways. This highly effective treatment offers extraordinary results that can last well over a decade in many cases. By refining the definition along the jawline and across the upper neck, this surgery can restore a youthful appearance that extends to the face. The cosmetic effects of a neck lift can also pave the way to improved satisfaction and a sense of confidence in your appearance.


Who Is A Good Candidate For A Neck Lift?

If you have any of the conditions we’ve mentioned here, you may be a good candidate for a neck lift. It is necessary to have some degree of skin laxity for a neck lift to achieve dramatic results. If you have only some excess fat that is obscuring your jawline, you may be a great candidate for neck liposuction alone. The doctor will determine which procedure, if either, is safe and suitable for you by reviewing your medical history, current health, and other factors. Understand that the results of a neck lift or neck liposuction can vary from person to person. It is important to have realistic expectations before scheduling this procedure. The doctor will provide a clear explanation of the neck surgery as well as their anticipated level of improvement.


What Is The Procedure Like?

The neck lift or neck liposuction procedure is relatively conservative! You may receive a local anesthetic and sedation or general anesthesia. This is determined by factors such as the extent of your surgical treatment. If you are having  liposuction only, an incision will be made beneath your chin. The doctor will use a very small cannula instrument to suction excess fat cells from the submental area. This incision may require one or more stitches to close. If you are receiving a neck lift, an incision will be made in the area of each ear. Endoscopic instruments easily pass through tiny incisions, so there is little concern about noticeable scarring. Using small instruments, the doctor tightens the neck muscle to achieve a more sculpted, slim appearance. The skin is carefully smoothed over the tightened muscle and excess is trimmed. A few stitches may be placed to close the incisions.


When Will I Notice My Neck Lift Results?

If you undergo a neck lift, you can expect to see some difference in the curve of your neck and jawline as soon as your dressing is removed. That said, it can take several weeks to fully realize the beneficial impact of your procedure. Typically, we expect the majority of swelling to be gone in 10 to 14 days. Subtle improvements continue for up to six weeks.


Schedule A Consultation Today!

To learn more about our necklift procedures or about any of our other procedurescontact us today at (425) 455-2131.