No doubt the loved ones in your life love your lips and love getting kisses from you. But sometimes even our lips need a little extra loving care. Since February is known as the month that celebrates kissing, why not use this as an opportunity to pamper your lips a bit?
Home Tips for Healthy Lips
There are some things you can try at home to give some extra TLC to your lips:
- Drink enough water. Getting enough hydration is important for your overall health, and it may be the number 1 beauty tip, too! It not only keeps lips from looking dry but can also help to keep them looking full and plump.
- Use the right products. Make sure you aren’t putting anything on your lips that may be drying them out, such as anything containing camphor. Lip products containing coconut oil, shea butter, or cocoa butter are the best, or you can even cut open a vitamin E capsule and apply what’s inside. Aloe vera gel can also help.
- Protect them from the sun. When you put on sunscreen before you go outside, don’t forget to protect your lips, too! Apply lip balm with an SPF ingredient.
- Exfoliate your lips. Remove dead skin using a washcloth (you don’t have to scrub too hard!). This has the added benefit of boosting blood circulation.
- Try citrus. A few drops of lemon juice can help to get rid of dead skin while making lips look brighter and rejuvenated (just make sure your lips aren’t too cracked or dry or this could hurt).
Of course, sometimes at-home techniques for improving the look of your lips aren’t enough. If you think your lips look too thin and you wish they could be more full, more plump, and more luscious, an injectable such as JUVÉDERM® may be the answer for you. It not only makes lips look poutier and plumper, it can also help to get rid of those tiny lines around the mouth. If your lips need some pampering, Amara Medical Aesthetics in Bellevue, WA, can help, with an injectable! Call (425) 455-2131 for an appointment today!