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What if Fat Could Be Used for Good?

What if there was a way to take that unwanted fat from one area and move it to someplace where it is more wanted? It may seem like a great thought, but the idea that such a procedure may really exist sounds too good to be true. Right? Not at all! A fat transfer procedure may be just what you’re looking for!

Fat Transfer Facts

We all know that having too much fat is unhealthy and can increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, sleep apnea, and more. But if you have just a bit of extra fat, it can be used to your advantage if you would like some cosmetic changes.

Before your fat transfer procedure, you will be anesthetized – you won’t be asleep, but you won’t feel pain. The fat is taken out through tiny incisions or by liposuction, and then it is processed into a form that can be injected into another part of your body. Fat is most commonly removed from the thighs or abdomen. It can be reinjected strategically to treat smile lines, to augment lips, to restore volume to cheeks, to give definition to the chin, and to fill in “depressions” that might be in the hands or thighs. A fat transfer can be combined with another procedure, such as eyelid surgery or a facelift.

Besides the fact that a fat transfer does two things at once (moving unwanted fat to an area that needs more volume), there are many other benefits: the results are long lasting, as opposed to fillers, which are only temporary. There is no risk of adverse reaction because it is your own fat. And, there are minimal side effects. You may have some tenderness, but this can be reduced with over-the-counter pain medication. Patients can typically return to work 2 to 3 days after the procedure, but strenuous activity should be avoided for 1 to 3 weeks.

Who would have thought that having a little extra bit of fat might be a good thing? Contact Amara Medical Aesthetics in Bellevue, WA, for more information about fat transfer. Call (425) 455-2131 for an appointment today!