For patients looking to address fine lines and sagging skin, having a facelift or neck lift can be intimidating, especially if they have never had a cosmetic procedure. Thankfully, several options are available from Amara Medical Aesthetics to tighten the skin and help you achieve a more youthful appearance.
One of these is a PDO thread lift, a simple, minimally invasive procedure in which temporary sutures are used to lift the skin. Since they are similar to surgical sutures, the body can absorb them, stimulating collagen production.
If you’re interested in a PDO thread lift as an alternative to a face or neck lift, you may find the recovery process requires less downtime and less time away from your normal routine. Keep reading to learn more.
What To Expect During a PDO Thread Lift Recovery
Following your PDO thread lift, you can leave right away. While you may have some bruising and swelling, this is normal and should subside within a few days. You will likely also experience some tightness during this time. It’s recommended that you utilize cold compresses to reduce the swelling and ease any discomfort. You may also want to remain upright when sleeping or resting to keep pressure away from your head.
Wait at least 24 hours after your procedure to wash your face. You should also avoid wearing makeup for a few days and applying moisturizer for a few weeks.
Many patients return to work within the first few days and are able to continue their daily routine. However, you should not perform any strenuous activities or workouts until approved by your doctor.
How Soon Will I Be Able To See My Results?
You may notice some of your results immediately following the procedure. However, as the sutures are absorbed and collagen production increases, your results will continue to develop in the following months.
Schedule a PDO Thread Lift Consultation
If you’d like to learn more about PDO thread lifts and find out if it’s right for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kristen J. Tarbet in Bellevue, WA. She is triple board-certified and has over 30 years of experience in plastic surgery, allowing her to provide excellent results and unparalleled care. She is passionate about helping her patients achieve their goals.
Contact Amara Medical Aesthetics today at (425) 455-2131 to learn more.